“YOUnique” Bible Study

Copy of "Younique" Bible Study sitting on desk with keyboard, mouse, coffee cup, and books & papers

From October 6th – December 8th, youth in grades 6th – 12th are invited to come participate in a “YOUnique” Bible Study!

You’re going to find out what makes you special. And like investigating the inside of a watch or robot, we are going to check out he inside of YOU – how God wired you to hum, tick & flow just right.
During this study you will discover the answer to questions like…
🤔 What are the gifts hidden inside of me?
🤔 Why did the Creator make me this way?
🤔 What is God’s plan for my life?
🤔 How do I recognize His voice?
🤔 How can I get God’s help in tough situations?
🤔 What do I do with all the dreams I have for the future?
If you’re interested in participating, see Daniel or Stacey to get a book, or show up on Wednesday nights at 6PM!