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Winds of Graystone Manor


This was to be the 1st in The St. Claire Trilogy by B. J. Hoff, but she hasn’t written the sequels yet.

1 in stock (can be backordered)


In the grand tradition of Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Rebecca, B.J. Hoff forges a groundbreaking new romantic suspense series in this, the stunning first novel of The St. Claire Trilogy. Joining the romance and nostalgia of rural Americana with the powerful, page-turning appeal of the Gothic, Hoff has crafted a tale of passion and pathos, introducing these compelling new characters:

Roman St. Clare-the Civil War photographer haunted by the slaying of his wife and unborn child. His relentless quest to find their murderer leads him to a remote area on Staten Island, where he must confront and be confronted by his own dark past.

Amanda (Andy) Fairchild-the petite, auburn-haired beauty who, as owner of Graystone Manor, a secluded resort hotel, is suspicious of the stranger who has arrived at a time of great mystery and intrigue on the Island.

Niles Rutherford-a brilliant young physician and Andy’s lifelong friend, who, as her self-proclaimed protector, guards her well and, in return, demands more than her loyalty.

Caught up in conflicting emotions and danger, these three find themselves ensnared in the age-old battle between Light and Darkness, fighting for their very lives – and their love.

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Bethany House Publishers


B. J. Hoff