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The Rawhiders


The Wells Fargo Trail series, book 4.

1 in stock (can be backordered)

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They Must Risk Everything to Save Their Ranch and Way of Life–


While Zac Cobb is sent undercover by Wells Fargo to investigate the robbery of cattle payrolls in Kansas, hundreds of miles away a family in Texas is in the midst of great tragedy. Four sisters, the Reddiger girls, are all that remain of a Mennonite family that fought and prayed their way through the hardships of ranching on the parched plains. The murder of their father has left them with only a herd of cattle.

To save their parents’ dreams, the Reddiger sisters must find a way to drive the cattle across the plains of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas and sell the herd at the rough and tumble railhead in Dodge City. United by hardship, they are forced to hire strangers to help them. They are fortunate that one of the men they choose is Joe Cobb, one of Zac’s brothers who disappeared during the Civil War.

The cattle drive is plagued with difficulties, but the greatest test of the strong family values the girls have been nurtured on is a group of evil men, the Rawhiders, who are determined to stop them. The Rawhiders, however, have never met up with the likes of the Cobb brothers!