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The Doctrine of the Bible


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Dr. David Dockery is one of the most highly-respected leaders in the SBC, and his observations should be considered with appropriate regard. In the Preface to the book, Dockery states his purpose: “I have attempted to provide a careful overview of the important themes related to a doctrine of Scripture.” He performs his task well, giving a brief, but surprisingly comprehensive summary of the doctrine of the Bible.

Dockery quotes Basil Manley, a Baptist patriarch: “Originality on a subject like this, which has been under discussion for centuries, would surely be in error.” This is a key regarding Dockery’s approach to the book. It is NOT very “original” or “exciting” reading, but it is solid, scholarly, conservative, and is a reliable guide to understanding a pillar doctrine of our faith. Everything else we believe hinges on what we find in the word of God. Many Christians of the last generation have sold out to “creativity” — often at the expense of truth. While The Doctrine of the Bible is not “exciting” reading, Baptists across the board would profit greatly from a familiarity with its contents.