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Death Is Now My Neighbor


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The latest Inspector Morse yarn from the redoubtable Dexter (The Way Through the Wood, etc.) might well be subtitled “”Morse Meets C.P. Snow,”” because part of the plot-about the machinations at an Oxford college to succeed the retiring Master-owes a good deal to Snow’s The Masters (Morse even mentions the book in his one-uppish way). There is, however, more than academic politics to this tale involving two murders on a quiet Oxford suburban street, one of which was apparently a case of mistaken identity, and an alibi created with truly fiendish ingenuity. As usual with a Morse mystery, the Inspector’s offbeat personality and his odd relationship with his earnestly lowbrow sidekick, Sergeant Lewis, provide much of the pleasure; the plot is entirely workmanlike. A treat for buffs, this is also a good introduction for newcomers to an addictive detective.