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Darwin’s Endgame


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Darwinists hope to bury God in an avalanche of a causeless universe and a godless evolution. But instead of liberating us, they plunge us into a cosmic depression. We are reduced to: From Nothing, By Nothing, For Nothing – an accidental leftover from the Big Bang, evolved by a lucky chance, and are here for no ultimate purpose. We are just walking molecules, birthed through a cosmic accident, dancing to the music of our DNA, and destined to disappear in a cosmic blink – nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. And when we look to science and evolution for answers, all we get is a blank look. Life has no real purpose – it is about the survival of the genes in us – feeding, fending, fleeting and fathering – just live through it and get it over. Our final destination is the hole in the ground.

But is it true? Perhaps we are: From Someone, By Someone, For Someone. Perhaps there is an unexplored and awesome universe beyond the Darwinian world of survival for nothing. Yan T Wee, the founding Pastor of Shalom Baptist Church, Singapore, writes from his fascinating research into the latest skirmish between speculative Darwinism and deducible Creationism. He concludes that Darwinism, when viewed in its entirety, is not only disingenuous, but a guaranteed, one-way ticket into the universe of ultimate meaninglessness and despair. This book will walk us through cosmology, biology, philosophy and end with theology, the queen of the sciences. Empirical science buries Darwinism and resurrects Creationism. We are more than cosmic orphans lost in an accidental, uncaring and dying Universe; we are living souls, made in the image of God, and designed to have a wonderful relationship with an awesome Creator.

“Atheism is a long, hard, cruel business.” (Jean-Paul Sartre)

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Yan T. Lee


Yan T. Lee