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A Time to Gather


A Time to Gather is the second novel in the Safe Harbor series. Drawing on the insights of best-selling marriage expert Gary Smalley, the series explores the joys and struggles of marriage, family, and faith.

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Never before has a family so desperately needed to gather.

Just months ago they were on the brink of marital disaster, now Max and Claire Beaumont are blissfully planning their re-wedding ceremony. But gathering the support of their children has been tough. Instead, Max and Claire are watching their children suffer hidden heartache. One is missing her soldier husband, another is drinking way too much, and another steadfastly hides her pain away.

Claire has no choice but to fall to her knees in prayer.

She daily reminds herself that “God is good,” something her beloved mother-in-law taught her to do. And starting fresh at the Hacienda Hideaway is perfect–there Claire and Max fortify their strength to rebuild the family.

Then, in the midst of this deeply personal journey, two strangers enter their world unexpectedly, changing all they knew and trusted about each other. Whether they embrace or reject these women will impact their family bond forever.