Dear Parents,
We are going to take a break from Bible Drill beginning June 2, 2021 thru July 21, 2021 to accommodate Children’s Camp and other summer activities that are going on with our CBC kids family.
We do have some summer kids activities that we hope you will put on your calendar and plan to participate in. Don’t forget to invite others to come as well.
Bring a blanket, lawn chairs, and your favorite iced drink for your family. Popcorn will be provided.
Special Service for Children's Ministry Workers, June 27
Directly following the service a thank you fellowship Lunch provided for those who have served in the Children’s Ministry Area this past year and those who are currently serving. Food will be provided.
Baptist and Fellowship at the Lake, July 18
More information to be provided later.
Soccer Camp for Kids Kinder - 5th Grades, July 11
9AM-12PM, Look for the sign up!
Vacation Bible School, July 12-14
August, Back to School...
…and Back to Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills
Look for more information about these events on Facebook, during the AM Worship Announcement Time and on the table and whiteboard in the foyer!
Preschool begins at 10:30 and kids just after music service for adults.
*If you would like to join the CBC Kids Worker Team please call the church office and leave a short message. Miss Cindy will be glad to contact you!