Dear Parents,
Would you like your child to know the books of the Bible and be able to find them? Would you like your child to know Bible verses and how to apply them to his life? Bible Skills, Drills, & Thrills provides training in Bible skills in a fun format. Games, puzzles, crafts, drama, computer games, music, and other fun activites are all a part of this Bible skills development program.
During this 6 weeks, children in grades K-6 will learn the books of the Bible, the Bible divisions, 10 Key Passages and how to find them, and over 25 Bible verses and how to apply them. In addition, they will study Bible stories, Bible history, and Bible people.
Children who wish to participate in Children’s Bible Drill can also train for hte drills through this program. All the verses and Key Passages are from Children’s Bible Drill.
A special part of each week’s meeting needs you! The last five minutes is called Family Bible Skills to Go. Your child will be ready to show you some of what he has learned at that meeting. Make plans to be there each week.
Also, we will be letting you know about three special meetings. Attending these meetings with your child will allow you to get an in-depth view of what she has learned. You will receive an invitation to each of these meetings.
The Introductory Meeting of Bible Skills, Drills, & Thrills will meet (date), Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at Central Baptist Church. Plan now to attend with your child and his Bible!
In Christ’s name,
Thank You
Cindy Martin