Operation Christmas Child, a Samaritan’s Purse project, was created in 1990 by Dave Cooke and his wife, Gil, for children in Romania. Each November thousands of churches, schools, groups, and individual donors prepare and collect shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, personal items, and other small gifts. A booklet of Bible stories is often distributed alongside the shoebox gifts which are given to children based on need alone, regardless of their faith. These boxes are then distributed overseas by volunteers. Since 1993, over 157 million shoeboxes have been delivered to children in more than 150 countries and territories. The program uses “follow-up” evangelism with pamphlets that are given to families that receive the boxes. An organizer for Operation Christmas Child says his goal ever day is to “expand God’s kingdom through OCC.” The “follow-up evangelism program is called The Greatest Journey.” It’s a 12-week discipleship program for children who receive shoebox gifts.
Our goal last year was to fill 300 shoeboxes. We filled and sent 395!!! THANK YOU, CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH! Let’s make our goal 500 for 2019! Each month we will have suggested items for you to bring, but the gifts are welcome anytime. Please bring your gifts to the foyer of the church. There will be a plastic tub udner the “Chirstmas Shoeboxes” sign. Remember there are age groups (2-4, 5-9, or 10-14) and you may choose gifts for boys and/or girls. Please also remember that everything has to fit inside a shoebox. Quality is important. A child will probably only get one box ever and they deserve for it to be a nice box full of good stuff. Let’s give them a box FULL of things that will last and not break right away. Not only are they given a shoebox full of gifts, but most importantly, they are taught about who Jesus is and that He loves them!
A $9.00 donation per shoebox gift is critical to provide for shipping and the materials for follow-up evangelism. This can be given all year long. Please designate on your pink envelope “for Chirstmas Shoebox shipping.”
Candy, toothpaste, gum, used or damaged items, war-related items (such as toy guns, knives, or military figures), chocolate or food, seeds, fruit rolls or other fruit snacks, drink mixes (powdered or liquid), liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items (such as snow globes or glass containers), aerosol cans
Suggested Gifts:
Personal Care Items
- Comb
- Toothbrush
- Blanket
- Adhesive Bandages
- Flashlight
- Nail Clipper & File
- Hairbrush
- Washcloth
- Stick Deodorant
- Non-Liquid Lip Balm
- Compact Mirror
- Bar Soap (Packaged and/or in a container)
- Washable/Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads
- Reusable Plastic Containers
- Cup, Water Bottle, Plate, Bowl, Blunt-Edged Utensils
Consider filling an empty container with non-liquid items such as combs, markers, sunglasses, or washcloths to maximize the space.
Ask Ed or Marci Shubert